SMSF Online Setup

SMSF setup is super easy and fast to us Gavin Ma & Co specialized services after you have decided to set up an SMSF.

  • It only takes 2-3 hours to complete the establishment documents if we receive your application form and verify your identity during normal business hours.
  • TFN/ABN will be applied for with the ATO and provided to you once you sign all the setup documents.
  • We will provide  assistance with setting up the bank account and organizing the rollover, such as certification of setup documents and subscription of ESA.

We are accountants not financial planners. We do not recommend if the SMSF is suitable to you, nor provide any investment advice in the SMSF.

If you are ready to set up your SMSF, simply fill in the setup form as below:

    Select Trustee Type:

    First Name (as per ATO records)
    Middle Name
    Personal Email Address
    Residential Address
    Tax File Number
    Date of Birth
    Place of Birth if born in Australia, please provide suburb and state. If born overseas, Please provide city and country
    Is this trustee an undischarged bankrupt?
    Has this trustee ever been convicted for dishonest conduct?
    Has this trustee ever received a civil penalty order?
    Has this trustee ever been a disqualified person by the regulator (ATO or APRA)?
    Is the trustee a Resident of Australia?
    Trustee 1 /Beneficiary 1 (Compulsory)
    Trustee 2 /Beneficiary 2 (Compulsory)
    Trustee 3 /Beneficiary 3 (Optional)
    Trustee 4 /Beneficiary 4 (Optional)

    * Required Fields