From 1 July 2022, employees who earn less than $450 per month will be paid super guarantee by their employer if they satisfy other eligibility requirements. A change advice to update pay...Read MoreRead More
The ATO’s International Risk for Private Groups Program has launched a campaign focusing on non-resident withholding tax relating to royalty expenses paid overseas for the 2019 and 2020 ...Read MoreRead More
The ATO have released information on its Tax Avoidance Taskforce – Trusts, which targets higher risk trust arrangements in privately owned and wealthy groups.
The ATO Trusts taskforce ...Read MoreRead More
The ATO have raised concerns about a number of arrangements involving unpaid present entitlements and unit trusts that may have implications under Division 7A.
The ATO have identified ca...Read MoreRead More
For unpaid present entitlements (UPEs) on or after 1 July 2022, the Commissioner's view in Draft Taxation Determination TD 2022/D1 is that even if not converted to an ordinary loan, a UP...Read MoreRead More
The ATO has released a package of draft advice and guidance products, setting out its evolving view on the tax treatment of:
trust entitlements arising out of reimbursement agreements u...Read MoreRead More
Taxation Determination TD 2022/1 finalises the ATO's position on the "natural love and affection" exclusion in the commercial debt forgiveness rules. The key point in TD 2022/1 is that the ...Read MoreRead More
The Commissioner has lodged a notice of appeal to the Full Federal Court from the decision in Guardian AIT Pty Ltd ATF Australian Investment Trust v FCT [2021] FCA 1619.
The Federal Cou...Read MoreRead More
The High Court has made two rulings in relation to the distinction between employees and independent contractors.
In Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union & Anor v ...Read MoreRead More
The Treasurer announced on Monday 13 December 2021 that the SME Loan Guarantee Scheme will be extended by 6 months to 30 June 2022.
This extension keeps the same terms and conditions as...Read MoreRead More